The Town and Village of Hammond will hold a joint public hearing on its intent to adopt a comprehensive plan. The public hearing will be held on
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Hammond Town Hall, 21 Main St, Hammond NY 13646
In April 2024, Town and Village officials and staff from the County Planning Office began an update of Hammond’s Joint 2013 Comprehensive Plan. This plan includes a community profile that outlines Hammond’s history, a demographic profile, and a natural and built feature assessment; and community characteristics, goals and recommendations that includes but not limited to culture and heritage, the business environment, land use, and community infrastructure; an implementation matrix; a GIS map atlas; and appendices. A Full Environmental Assessment Form to determine whether the adoption of this plan will result in significant adverse environmental impacts was completed.
A print copy of the draft comprehensive plan is available for viewing at the Hammond Town Hall, and County Planning Office during normal business hours. Digital copies can also be found at
Interested persons are encouraged to review the draft comprehensive plan and attend the April 9th hearing to provide feedback to the Town and Village Boards. Those who cannot attend the public hearing may submit comments to Hammond Town Clerk PO Box 219 Hammond NY 13646 and [email protected] . Comments will be accepted until the public hearing on April 9th, 2025.
Pamela Burton, Hammond Town Clerk 3/13/2025